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Anti-Bacteria Light Switches

It is now a well-established fact that making light switches from copper could help defeat antibiotic –resistant bacteria. Research studies already done have found that copper fittings rapidly kill bugs on hospital wards, succeeding where other...

Why are we still using PVC in Electrical products?

The use of PVC in data and electrical cabling installations is widespread in Kenya. Most electrical and data cables are sheathed in the compound and almost all conduits in use are made from PVC as well.Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is the second most...

Guest Room Control Systems

In the hospitality industry, guests’ comfort is paramount as it may be the only factor that determines if you are going to stay in the business for long.Traditionally the guest has been left to control their room micro...

Final Year Electrical Engineering Projects

To help you develop ideas for your fifth or fourth-year project as an electrical engineering student, we have compiled a list of sample projects to act as a guide. We will continue to expand the list and provide more links. Enjoy. Automatic Counting and Control System...

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) has been regarded as one of the greatest electrical engineers of all time. He was a Serbian American electrical engineer who is best known for his enormous contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) and electricity...

Michael Faraday

This is a series of short essays on the lives of electrical engineers and those who had a major influence in the electrical engineering field be it electrical engineers or scientists. It gives their short biography and some of their memorable...

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