‘Most People Are Too Busy Earning a Living to Make Any Money’
I used to work very hard. The 12-hour days. The 6-day weeks.
But I did not start making good money until I started attending conferences.
I started to see the power of connections and networking at play.
Many of my most valuable clients and networks are from conferences I have attended so far.
Renowned businessman Jim Rohn once said, “You‘re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.”
I have consistently attended industry conferences and the value of my network keeps on increasing.
Let me explain.
I do not care whether you are a student, a graduate engineer, a professional engineer, a consulting engineer, a chartered engineer or a businessperson who is in the Power & Energy industry.
It makes no difference how badly you are doing in your profession- how difficult it is to get that Job…how challenging it is to win that tender…how much extra you are paying to get those products when there are cheaper quality alternatives.
The truth is, there is somebody out there who is waiting for a little probing to come to your aid. But they may never come to your aid. Not until now!
Here is any opportunity to attend and participate in International Trade Exhibition & Conference on Power & Energy Kenya 2018 Conference.
It is an international event that will witness the participation of multinational companies in the power and energy sector.
Come and interact with over 4200 professionals!
Attend and visit exhibitions from over 22 countries!
Good news! The event is entirely free for visitors.
Register now and book your ticket. (I’ve already booked, check my ticket at the end of the post)
The conference is only 5 days from today.
The conference will run from 29th -31st May and will be held at KICC, Nairobi.
Just click the registration link below;
If you really want to get ahead fast…if you want a position of real importance and responsibility-then a knowledge of networking and winning friends is “AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY for your future!
The knowledge of the available resources to aid your work, of people who can connect you to job opportunities, of influencers who can connect you to projects and tenders, of potential customers to your services or products, of your peers and competitors is KEY to succeeding in our much interconnected world.
This conference provides the best environment to expand your reach, to raise the possibilities.
The wisest man I ever knew told me something I never forgot. ‘Most people are too busy earning a living to make any money’
Do not take as long as I did to find out he was right.
Just try it. What is there to lose? The upside is unlimited.
Sworn statement
The conference organizers have not sponsored this post. It is done out of simple courtesy to invite interested partners to the event.
I thank you for your courtesy.
Benard M Makaa.