Steinmetz is known for his fundamental contribution in three major fields of alternating current (AC) systems theory: hysteresis, steady-state analysis, and transients. His writing on the state of electrical engineering in 1908 seems to still reflect the current situation, more than a century later.
A paper presented to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York, January 24, 1908.
When in the following I dwell more on those features of our electrical engineering education which appear to
In general, the conditions for
Unlike other countries, where some opposition to the
While many, especially smaller colleges, are not financially strong, in
The great defect of the engineering college is the insufficient remuneration of the teaching staff: the salaries paid are far below those which the same class of men command in industrial work, and as a result the college cannot compete with the industry for its men, but most of the very best men are out of reach for the colleges. The teaching forces of the colleges
Some of these remain, but many return to industrial work, when they are forced to realize the small prospect of financial return offered by the college. 3. First-class men who devote a part of their time to the college and a part to industrial work, usually consulting engineering. This arrangement is probably the best for the college, handicapped as it is by the policy of salaries which may have appeared sufficient in branches in which no industry competes, but which are suicidal in the engineering department.
It appears to me, therefore, that a vast improvement could be made in electrical engineering education if a large part of the sums which now are devoted to marble engineering buildings and fancy laboratory equipment could be devoted to
To the subjects taught and the methods of teaching very grave objections may be made. The glaring fault of the college curriculum is that quantity and not quality seems to be the object sought: the amount of instruction crowded into a four years’ course is far beyond that which even the better kind of student can possibly digest. Memorizing details largely takes the place of understanding principles, with the result that a year after graduation much of the matter which had been taught has passed out of the memory of the student, and even examinations given to the senior class on subjects taught during the freshman and sophomore years, reveal conditions which are startling and rather condemnatory to the present methods of teaching.
It stands to reason that with the limited time at his disposal, it is inadvisable for a student to waste time on anything which he forgets in a year or two; only that which it is necessary to know should be taught, and then it should be taught so that at least the better student understands it so thoroughly as never to forget it. That is to say, far better results would be obtained if half or more of the mass of details which the college now attempts to teach, were dropped; if there were taught only the most important subjects-the fundamental principles and their applications-in short, all that is vitally necessary to an intelligent understanding of engineering, but this taught thoroughly, so as not to be forgotten. This, however, requires a far higher grade of teachers than are needed for the mere memorizing of text-book matters, reciting them, at the end of the term passing an examination on the subject and then dropping,
it. The salaries offered by the colleges are not such as to attract such men. When the student enters college he is not receptive to an intelligent understanding, for after a four years’ dose in the high school of the same vicious method of memorizing a large mass of half and even less understood matters, the student finds it far easier to memorize the contents of his textbooks than to use his intelligence to understand the subject matter. After graduation, years of practice do for the better class of students what the college should have done-teach them to understand things. It is, however, significant that even now young graduates of foreign universities, in spite of the inferior facilities afforded abroad, do some of the most important electrical development work of this country. Men who never had a college education rise ahead of college graduates. This would be impossible if our college training gave
what it should, an intelligent understanding of electrical engineering subjects.
The cause of the fault is perhaps the same that leads to the erection of engineering buildings and laboratories while underpaying the teaching staff: the competition among the colleges.
To the father who looks up a college for his boy, marble engineering buildings and fancy laboratories are impressive, and so is an extensive curriculum; the result is a rapid increase in the number of students; but it is not to the benefit of the student, since the faster a subject is learned the faster also it is forgotten, and to become and remain thoroughly familiar with a subject, it is necessary to keep up the study of it for some years. While it is a good feature to
The different colleges vary between the school teaching the trade of electrician, and that attempting to give an intelligent electrical engineering education. At the one extreme is the college which dropped from its curriculum everything not required in electrical engineering. Such a school covers a large ground in electrical engineering, may even consider shortening the course to three years. The graduate of such a course is a full-fledged electrical engineer, capable to ply his trade, just as a plumber or
college years, his usefulness is impaired, younger men rise above him, and he cannot hope to rise beyond a subordinate position. Fortunately, the better technical colleges realize that the first requirement of an electrical engineer is a thorough general education, and begin to realize that for this purpose it is not sufficient; to require general subjects for college entrance and relegate their study to the high school: for even if the average high school were what it should be and not what it actually is, much of the general knowledge required by an educated man cannot be taught in the high school, since during the high-school years the intelligence of the boy is not sufficiently ripened for its grasp, and a review in the college is necessary.
However, even if an attempt is made to teach or to review general subjects, the work is not carried sufficiently far. Mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry, and some civil engineering subjects are recognized as legitimate subjects of teaching in the electrical engineering course in many colleges, together with literature, some history etc.; but physiography, physical geography, meteorology, mineralogy, astronomy etc., are also of importance in
The instruction given in those branches of science, a knowledge of which is required by the electrical engineer, but to which only a limited time can be devoted, as chemistry, civil engineering etc., frequently is very unsatisfactory, being unsuited to the requirements of the electrical engineer, and, as a result, of very little if any value to him.
The ability actively to practice
applies to all other sciences to which a limited time is devoted in the electrical engineering curriculum. To give a general view and working knowledge to the electrical engineer of such an allied branch of science, theoretical discussions, especially mathematical, are usually very little needed and therefore undesirable. A characteristic case of spoiling a science to the student by mathematics is that of astronomy. Astronomy is one of the most interesting and fascinating
It goes without saying that in all teaching the strongest endeavor should be made to correlate the different subjects, to show the students the close relations which exist between all the branches of science, no matter how different they appear at first sight; and to interest him by bringing home to him the practical importance of what otherwise would appear dry theory. For instance, by using in the teaching of mathematics, problems taken from engineering; to have him handle and operate machines before proceeding to their theoretical investigation; then to derive the constants of the theoretical investigation from experimental tests of the apparatus; and from these predetermine the performance of the apparatus under different normal and abnormal conditions and experimentally verify it.
In conclusion, the main defects in the present electrical engineering training in some of our colleges appear to me as follows:
1. The insufficient remuneration of the teachers, which makes most of the best men unavailable for educational purposes and is, therefore, largely responsible for the other defects.
2 The competition between colleges, which leads to a curriculum marked more by the quantity or the subjects taught than by the thoroughness of the teaching. The graduates are sent out with a mass of half understood and undigested subjects, quickly forgotten, and deficient in understanding of the fundamental principles and in the ability to think.
- The tendency of some colleges to teach the trade of electrical engineering rather than educate intelligent and resourceful electrical engineers.
4. The unsatisfactory state of the teaching of allied sciences, which gives instead of general view and understanding of the science, a fragmentary knowledge of some details.