by Benard Makaa | Jun 7, 2024 | Security
Heading Subtopics Introduction Overview of intruder alarm detection systems, Importance of building security, Purpose of the article Enhancing Building Security Role in deterring unauthorized access, Increasing overall security, Examples of security breaches prevented...
by Benard Makaa | Jul 22, 2019 | ICT, Security
The primary function of the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera is to provide surveillance of and enhance situational awareness. Additionally, despite the requirement under the guidelines to provide notice to individuals that CCTV is in place, the public does not...
by Benard Makaa | Jul 22, 2019 | ICT, Security
Artificial intelligence (AI) AI can boost surveillance by providing digital brains for digital eyes. Progress differs from industry to industry and from application to application. In IP video surveillance industry today, machine or deep-learning is mostly used for...
by Benard Makaa | Feb 27, 2018 | BMS, ICT, IP TV, Security, Structured Cabling
THE IoT is a suite of technologies and applications that equip devices and locations to generate all kinds of information—and to connect those devices and locations for instant data analysis and, ideally, “smart” action. Conceptually, the IoT implies physical objects...
by Benard Makaa | Jul 20, 2017 | Fire Detection, Security
The current practice in Kenya and many other countries is to have the electrical contractor carry out the fire detection & alarm system installations. While this has served us in the past, isn’t time we had specialists or fire engineers carry out this sensitive...
by Benard Makaa | Mar 31, 2017 | Education, Lighting, Power, Security
How to achieve energy efficient buildingsAbout one-third of global energy is consumed in residential, public, and commercial buildings, where it is used for space heating, cooling, ventilating, lighting, cooking, water heating, refrigerating, and operating electric...