There are many reasons why structural failures occur—the primary reason is that the foundation is unable to support the structure and its weight. That’s the primary reason. What could be the secondary reasons? A licensed structural engineer is not involved in...
Assuming that the efficiency and other costs/factors (environmental, convenience) are held constant, this is how much it would cost to boil one litre of water in Kenya as of April 2021. Assuming that water’s room temperature before boiling is 250C and since the...
Currently submitting and obtaining approvals for buildings from the national and country governments does not require electrical and mechanical drawings from registered professional engineers. This loophole has, as anyone can imagine led to the inferior implementation...
(For those registering, you can download real sample IEK/EBK registration reports by clicking here ) To practice engineering in Kenya and for one to be recognized as an Engineer, it is necessary for them to register in both the Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK) and the...
Graduate Engineers in Kenya are required by law to register through the Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK) which is constituted under Section 3(1) of the Engineers Act 2011 Laws of Kenya. The Board is a successor to the Engineers Registration Board (ERB) established by...
Steinmetz is known for his fundamental contribution in three major fields of alternating current (AC) systems theory: hysteresis, steady-state analysis, and transients. His writing on the state of electrical engineering in 1908 seems to still reflect the current...