The information below is given as a guidance only, and is based on minimum recommended fees as prescribed by law in Kenya. There may be differences in the market due to scale and complexity of a particular project, and in the specialization and/or experience level of the consultant.
The architect is the head of the design and development team of the project whose duties among others include: giving advice to the Client; interpreting the Client’s brief; preparation of architectural drawings for purposes of Client approval, local authority approval, other consultant’s input and for construction purposes. The Architect is also duty bound to undertake pre-contract, contract and post-contract project administration. The scale of fees is based on that stipulated by CAP 525 of the Laws of Kenya that govern the practices of Architects and Quantity Surveyors, viz.
Professional fees: 6% of the total cost of construction + 16% V.A.T.
Reimbursement Costs: These will be costs incurred directly by the Architect in the performance of his duties and will include, but not necessarily limited to the following: mileage, accommodation out of town, lithographic costs for printing and photocopy, postage, telephone and fax, etc.
The QS prepares project cost and budgetary estimates under the direction of the Architect. Based on all Consultants’ input the QS will prepare both itemized quantities and commensurate costs pertaining to the project throughout the development of the project from inception to completion. The scale of fees for QS’s is also based on Cap 525, thus.
Professional fees: 3 1/2 % of the total cost of construction + 16% V.A.T. Reimbursement Costs: Same provisions as for the Architect.
Irrespective of whether the Architect is also the Interior Designer or not, the costs of interior design works will be separated from the architectural works and will comprise interior finishes, fittings, components, and hard and soft furnishings. CAP 525 also guides the interior design fees as follows:
Professional fees: 12% of the total cost of the interior design works + 16% V.A.T. Reimbursement costs: Same provisions as for the Architect
The Architect can still apply his skills in landscape design competently, but if someone else is commissioned to perform the consultancy, then that professional will work under the direction of the Architect. This consultancy service involves the design of external architectural landscape features that include gardens, gazebos, walkways, footbridges, fountains, fishponds, as well as swimming pools and internal paved vehicular movement. CAP 525 still guides the fee structure of the Landscape Architect and is based on the total cost of construction.
Professional fees: In accordance with the scale of professional charges of the Institute of Landscape Architects. Reimbursement costs: Same provisions as for the Architect.
The Civil Engineer will design and supervise all civil works that include roads, provision of potable water and adequate sanitation. The fees here are based on the scale issued by the Engineers Board of Kenya(EBK).
The engineer’s scale of fees for professional engineering services was gazetted in 2022. For a compressive guide, download the “Gazetted The Engineers Scale of Fees for Professional Engineering Services in Kenya”
This Engineer will design the structural stability of all structures within the project and supervise the construction of the structural part of the work that will include foundations, columns, beams, floor slabs, etc.
The engineer’s scale of fees for professional engineering services was gazetted in 2022. For a compressive guide, download the “Gazetted The Engineers Scale of Fees for Professional Engineering Services in Kenya”
Internal plumbing and drainage works including design and/or advice on choice of sanitary fittings and air conditioning systems are all part of the services performed by the Mechanical Engineer .
The engineer’s scale of fees for professional engineering services was gazetted in 2022. For a compressive guide, download the “Gazetted The Engineers Scale of Fees for Professional Engineering Services in Kenya”
The Engineer here will design all electrical layouts, fittings, including all power requirements for the uninterrupted enjoyment of the facilities.
The engineer’s scale of fees for professional engineering services was gazetted in 2022. For a compressive guide, download the “Gazetted The Engineers Scale of Fees for Professional Engineering Services in Kenya”
For a detailed breakdown of the electrical engineer fee, read, “The Cost of an Electrical Building Services Engineer“
This is basically the Estate Manager who will have the task of preparing a maintenance schedule and overseeing its implementation. The Client has the option of employing one under contract as Resident Manager or by commissioning an Estate Manager whose fees are guided by the Institute of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK).
Professional fees: 1.6% of cost of the development + 16% V.A.T. Reimbursement costs: Same as that for Architects.
The Land Surveyor will be required at the very onset of the project and in fact his services are a pre-requisite to any design consultancy on project. He will prepare site documentation including topographical and cadastral surveys, G.P.S. of the site and any sub-divisions to be undertaken.
Professional fees: 1.6% of cost of the development + 16% V.A.T. Reimbursement costs: Same as that for Architects.
The process of project initiation involves commissioning the following professionals for that specific said task: The Architect, QS and Land Surveyor. The Architect will undertake a feasibility study in liaison with the QS based on the Client’s brief and the context of the site prepared by the Land Surveyor.
The Report will basically expound further the Client brief vis-à-vis the interpretation of the Land Surveyor’s site documentation leading to the preparation of small-scale architectural layouts for purposes of Client approval. At this particular stage the fee for professional services rendered by the above said consultants will be:
Architect: 1% of total estimated cost of construction + 16% V.A.T.
QS: 1/2 % ditto
Land Surveyor: 1/2 % ditto
Reimbursement costs: These will be costs incurred directly by the Architect in the performance of his duties and will include, but not necessarily limited to the following: mileage, accommodation out of town, lithographic costs for printing and photocopy, postage, telephone and fax, etc.
My client has been quoted architects fees as a % of the construction cost inclusive of VAT i.e. so for a construct of $1,000,000 the architect fees have been quoted as a % of $1,160,000 (construct cost plus 16%).
From a tax perspective this does not appear to be correct, but wanted to confirm if the fee % is ordinarily a % of the construct cost or a % of the construct plus VAT cost.
(I understand VAT is payable on the fee!)
Hello Stuart, in the CAP525,“THE ARCHITECTS AND QUANTITY SURVEYORS ACT”, it is not quite clear if architect’s fees is a % of the construction cost inclusive of VAT or % of the construction cost exclusive of the VAT.The general practice is however to quote the fee as a % of the construction cost plus all relevant taxes(VAT included). The scale of fees is based on that stipulated by CAP 525
Stuart, according to Kenya Revenue Authority, VAT is a tax applicable to all taxable goods and services. In your case you are not paying tax on goods. You are paying tax on a service. If the construction cost is 1,000,000 the architect’s fee should be 60,000 and VAT should be 9,600. Do not let anyone con you. All you need to pay is 69,600.
i want a surveyor to help me put beacons on a 1 acre land. i got a guy charging 60k. this is the first time and am not sure how surveyors are supposed to charge for this process….someone else told me they charge 20k for 1/8acre land
where can i get these rates listed or how are they calculated? am planning to go to the lands office and enquire still
Hello Sue. Kindly share your number via, I will link you up with somebody who can assist you.
Your comments on fees for Engineers are not correct. The percentages and the refrence to cost of works is not correct. Amend please
Amazing information you have shared in this article. This article helps me a lot and also I found some unknown information in this article. Thank you for the information.
Hi, Your post is very helpful. Is it possible to estimate the cost of ALL professional fees (architect, engineers, etc) as a percentage (even it is a range) based on the total cost of construction? For example, can you say that 16%-20% of total cost of construction would go to professional fees?
What is the average hourly rate for site visit for Structural Engineers to inspect site and attend meetings .
Besides design the supervision of electrical work is a lot if it has to be done to the detail, from earthing during excavation of foundation, to ducting at foundation, conduits at each casting before we even go to wiring which is hidden and one has to be there to ensure the right size and quality is used without possible damages.
This 1% of the cost of electrical work is not commensurate.
Any fees is subject to negotiation and agreement among the parties.Any agreement you have supersedes the scale of fees.even for an advocate ate what you agree on supercedes the rest