Passive optical networks- EPON and GPON

Passive optical networks- EPON and GPON

Most PONs are configured like this. The number of splitters and split levels varies with the vendor and the system. Split ratios are usually 1:32 or 1:64 but could be higher. PONs (passive optical networks), Active Ethernet, and RF over glass (RFoG) are the primary...
Is this the end for air conditioning?

Is this the end for air conditioning?

We enjoy a sunny days, but we certainly don’t like it when it’s too hot. According to Washington Post report, the world is about to install 700 million more air conditioners. While we are cooling down our own little housing environment, we are making the planet...

Typical Traditional Building Procedure

Though this post describes the basic traditional building procedure, the procedure could be improved by: More questioning of the cost effectiveness of proposed building components and greater efforts to obtain better alternatives. Coordinating the work of various...

IP TV and its Benefits

Wouldn’t it be better if watching TV were more like browsing the Web, so you could pick the program you wanted to watch whenever and wherever you felt like watching it? That’s one of the promises of IPTV. What is IP TV? Internet Protocol television (IPTV)...
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